Learning Community

Oksana Chernysh
2 min readNov 29, 2020

in terms of Access, Relationships, Function and Vision

On the definition of Learning Community by Richard E. West & Gregory S. Williams

According to Richard E. West & Gregory S. Williams, a learning community may be defined by the boundaries of a community, which include: Access; Relationships; Vision and Function.

Therefore, I would like to reflect upon the learning community distinctive features using KWL approach. Thus, I would like to acknowledge what I already know (K), what I want to know (W) and what I have learned (L).


K: To work productively in a learning community everyone should be on the same page as for working language, meeting place, group rules and values. To be aware of that contributes to having quality time together. Therefore, it becomes mutually beneficial.

W: Undoubtedly, we should foster digital literacy development by getting to know about some useful tools (the more, the better). Moreover, it’s significantly important to practise using them as learning by doing is the best one.

L: A great variety of digital tools to get students motivated and engaged. Truth be told, visuality and interactivity matter much. Nowadays academic content should not be academic only, it should be consumable, student-oriented.


K: Good relationships in the learning community may guarantee 50 % success. Favourable working environment, mutual support, trust and encouragement make cooperation truly beneficial.

W: tips for students’ motivation as well as self-motivation; tips to get and use some inner power, magic push to make quality things happen.

L: It’s greatly important to realize the faith in the purpose of the learning community and make it your road map.


K: Significance lies in sharing the mission of the learning community and having a deep understanding of its goal.

W: ways to foster positive results; tips for more productive collaboration; synargy approach.

L: We learn by doing, achieve by pursuing.

All in all, learning undoubtedly is a powerful educational practice.



Oksana Chernysh

PhD Lecturer, Associate Professor, E-learning Specialist